You think you know любить? Think again! Here’s a breakdown of the detailed meanings and variations of this word in Russian:
1. Любить – to love (a person, thing, or activity).
- Example: *Я люблю музыку* (I love music).
2. Влюбиться – to fall in love (suddenly or deeply).
- Example: *Я влюбился в неё с первого взгляда* (I fell in love with her at first sight).
3. Полюбить – to grow to love (developing love over time).
- Example: *Он полюбил это место после многих лет жизни здесь* (He grew to love this place after many years).
4. Разлюбить – to fall out of love.
- Example: *Она разлюбила его после долгих лет вместе* (She fell out of love with him after many years together).
5. Невзлюбить – to take a dislike to someone or something right away.
- Example: *Я сразу его невзлюбил* (I disliked him right away).
6. Любоваться – to admire (often visually).
- Example: *Она любовалась закатом* (She admired the sunset).
Common Mistakes:
- Я любил поездку – A direct translation from "I loved the trip" doesn’t work well in Russian.
We need to use "люблю" for a deeper emotion/connection with something that is long-lasting. You can't "любить" the trip, because you can't build a long connection with a trip. Maybe places, people you've met during the trip, but not the trip itself.
- Я люблю это! – "I love it!" This is a very common saying in English, but unfortunately it won't work in Russian. The context is when you see something for the first time and say "I love it". Again, because you haven't built a long-lasting connection with this object, you can't use "люблю". Instead, just describe the thing itself.
1. Любовь – love (as a concept or feeling).
- Example: *Любовь – самое прекрасное чувство* (Love is the most beautiful feeling).
2. Любовник – lover (male, often in the context of an affair).
- Example: *Её любовник всегда был рядом* (Her lover was always around).
3. Любовница – lover (female, often in the context of an affair).
- Example: *У него была любовница много лет* (He had a lover for many years).
4. Любитель – enthusiast or amateur.
- Example: *Он любитель фотографировать* (He is an amateur photographer).
1. Любимый – beloved or favorite.
- Example: *Мой любимый фильм – это «Интерстеллар»* (My favorite movie is "Interstellar").
2. Любовный – related to love or romance.
- Example: *Любовные письма могут быть очень трогательными* (Love letters can be very touching).
3. Влюбленный – in love (someone who is infatuated).
- Example: *Он был влюблённый и счастливый* (He was in love and happy).
4. Любвеобильный – full of love (often excessively affectionate).
- Example: *Он был любвеобильный человек, любивший всех вокруг* (He was a loving person, who loved everyone around).
5. Любительский – amateur (referring to non-professional activities or hobbies).
- Example: *Он снял любительский фильм* (He made an amateur film).
This list highlights the depth and range of meanings in the word "любить" and its variations, showing that love in Russian is far more nuanced than just a simple emotion.
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