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Ask them right here!

What's your level?

I don't know


Learn the basics and start speaking basic Russian

About me

Learn how to talk about yourself. Your name, job, age, etc.

Week 1


Learn how to change the ending of present tense verbs

Week 2

Morning & Afternoon

Learn how to describe your morning and afternoon routines

Week 3

More on conjugation

Go one step further with conjugation to never make mistakes

Week 4

Describe objects

Learn to talk about objects around you, describe them in detail

Week 5

I want, I need

Learn how to express your basic wants and needs

Week 6

Speaking topics

Learn how to talk about basic topics in Russian

Week 7

Practical Learning

Learn from using your Russian in real life

Week 8


Expess yourself more precisely and master complex grammar topics

Schedule & Past tense

Learn to describe your daily schedule and learn past tense

Week 1

I have, I had

"I have this", "I don't have that" and more phrases!

Week 2

Future tense

Learn how to talk about future tense in Russian

Week 3

Watching content

Learn Russian through watching shows and movies

Week 4

Express your opinion

Learn to express your thoughts and ideas

Week 5

Cases 101

Oh, the cases! Simplify and understand cases

Week 6

Prefixes 101

Discover prefixes and how you can make your speech richer

Week 7

Practical Learning

Learn from using your Russian in real life

Week 8


Immerse yourself into Russian! Learn from Russian movies, songs, and more!

Prefixes 201

Learn more prefixes in Russian that are used by natives

Week 1

Speaking week

Speak on verious topics within one week

Week 2

Verbs of motion

Learn how to talk about things in motion

Week 3

Reflexive verbs

Learn how to use reflexive verbs properly

Week 4

Cases 201

Become and expert in cases by a lot of practice

Week 5

Complex sentence

Learn a lot of different sentence structures that natives use

Week 6

Short adjectives

Learn to properly use short adjectives in Russian

Week 7


Learn how to make complex sentences with participles

Week 8

We will test you!

Before you begin the Camp, you will take a placement test to know your level.

Choose your Camp

Daily homework feedback

Access to a group chat

Access to BeFluent Team 24/7

8 private coaching calls

Access to BeFluent Class

Receive daily homework

Access to additional exercise

Learn 400+ words

Participate in weekly calls



8 private coaching calls

Access to BeFluent Class

Receive daily homework

Access to additional exercise

Learn 400+ words

Participate in weekly calls

Daily homework feedback

Access to a group chat

Access to BeFluent Team 24/7



Receive daily homework

Access to additional exercise

Learn 400+ words

Participate in weekly calls

Daily homework feedback

Access to a group chat

Access to BeFluent Team 24/7

8 private coaching calls

Access to BeFluent Class



01  Conversational Russian

Speak Russian freely to your friends and family. Learn to be free when speaking.


                         I’m Fedor,  

your teacher for this Camp

l am super passionate about teaching Russian, my mother tongue, to people all around the world.
We started doing it on YouTube in 2016, and then took all the knowledge and applied it to BeFluent Camp! We've done 13 Camps so far, and I am super excited to see you in the Camp #14!

 Привет! 👋🏻 I’m Fedor,

your teacher for this Camp

Get your Russian
to a new level in 8 weeks!

Start date: Feb 3 2025

Get real results in 8 weeks

For serious learners only

Learn conversational Russian

Only 45 min/day

It will take you to complete your daily tasks and make significant progress

Quick recap of the Camp

Learn authentic Russian

Our teacher is with you 24/7

Learn A1 level vocabulary and more!

Learn whenever and wherever!

Ask questions during a live call

Focus on speaking better

Private coaching

Ultimate package


Fedor really makes Russian come alive


Being guided is really helping my progression and confidence


I credit my love for Russian to this Camp


I really made a lot of progress


Camp offered me a good path in learning


I liked vocabulary flashcards that were sent


Worksheets helped me stay on track every day


I am sure you will enjoy and get a lot out of the Camp


I learned a lot more than I expected


BeFluent Camp becomes part of your life


Fedor was very reassuring during the Camp


It's encouraging being a part of such an enthusiastic and supportive group


My confidence in Russian shot through the roof


BeFluent team gives you everything you need to learn Russian well


To study, you only need a device with Internet access


You get the task through Telegram or the website


Complete the task, for you to learn the topic at hand

03  To the next day!

Ask your questions during a live call, or get personal feedback with Premium or Ultimate

02  Closer to fluency

Get closer to fluency in 8 weeks, regardless of your starting level

03  Manageable tasks

Improve your Russian by daily manageable tasks that will all add up to great progress!

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